[Free] Greentext 4chan Meme

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Greentext 4chan meme. Dedicated supporter access to all finished work as well as adult comic stories. 4chan funny ylyl lol karen damn it zoom call dont waste my time meme halo arbiter master chief karenmemes. Brennan who considered the imageboard 4chan to have grown into authoritarianism described 8chan as a free speech friendly. Top ten best websites top ten greatest internet memes darrell best web browsers dragon13304 top 10 best web series tips for staying safe online top ten search engines hatcher234 top ten best homepages blebaer112 top ten. 4chan is an internetforum were a lot of neckbeards and neo nazis hang out but every once in a while a golden nugget in the form of a meme or greentext will appear and they are great. Threads receiving recent replies are bumped. Tendies stories are greentext stories which were particularly popular on 4chan in early 2015 featuring a manchild who lives with his parents usually just with his mom and loves chicken tenders which he gets in exchange for good boy points or gbp that are awarded to him for good behavior.
4chan funny ylyl lol wtf why no stouffers mac and cheese yum. The author continually echoed the sentiment that enough of it was true to matter and the rest was simply artistic license to make it flow. 4chan is an anonymous english language imageboard website. Zero context examples are not allowed on tv tropes. Launched by christopher moot poole in october 2003 4chan hosts boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics from anime and manga to video games music literature fitness politics and sports among others. Also the realism of the characters the accuracy to the time period and the consistent poor decisions of the main character support the general opinion that the story is probably more real than you might imagine. A collection of memes that have generated either from or around the show.
Top 10 worst things about 4chan 4chan s a decent website that provides a few lulz but it still can be pretty annoying. 4chan 4chan images 4chan funny lol funny hilarious anon anonworld anonshit greentext america vegan b b tards mine. Basic donor access to all sketches and stand alone finished picture content as well as written blog entries. Please remember if you add a meme to the page please include an explanation as to why it s a meme. Greentexts are basically stories but are told in short sentences. Adult comic content will be collected updated and shared once per month usually around the 5th. In this thread i will post some of the best greentexts i have found on 4chan.
James potter is the guy who was kind of a dick when he got to high school but cleaned up his act by junior year and went on to become a human rights lawyer with the aclu because he knew he could make more of a difference fighting for what s right instead of getting into schoolyard brawls severus.