[Kostenlos] Folklore Meaning In English
Ancient folklore has it that even setanta was legless more than once.
Folklore meaning in english. Webster s new world college dictionary 4th edition. In chinese folklore the bat is an emblem of good fortune. Definition of folklore folklore is oral history that is preserved by the people of the culture consisting of traditions belonging to a specific culture. Copyright 2010 by houghton mifflin harcourt. A branch of knowledge that deals with folklore a specialist in folklore. The official figure was fifteen rebels dead but later local folklore had it as high as seventy. The time is the 1920s and hurston the character is in town to collect local folklore.
Noun the traditional beliefs legends customs etc of a people. Traditional customs tales sayings dances or art forms preserved among a people the coyote appears in much of native american folklore. 1 the traditional beliefs customs and stories of a community passed through the generations by word of mouth. Copyright harpercollins publishers. The traditional stories and culture of a group of people. The study and scientific investigation of these. These traditions usually include music.
All of the unwritten traditional beliefs legends sayings customs etc. Folklore is the traditional stories customs and habits of a particular community or nation. Paul bunyan is a figure from folklore. Cobuild advanced english dictionary. The traditional stories and. Foʊklɔːʳ uncountable noun. Lore of a people.